
  1. Sign the petition to fight the ban

    Sign the petition to fight the ban

    The ban on many research chemicals in the Netherlands might be a reality soon. We at don’t think a ban is the solution. Therefore, we signed this petition to fight the ban. You can do the same. Don’t sign because we encourage you to sign, sign because you agree to the 11 reasons stated on the ‘Start Beter Drugsbeleid’ website:

    Prohibition does not work

    Drug policy has become increasingly tougher and more repressive in recent decades. What has this approach yielded? Drugs are widely available and drugs are cheaper than ever. Whether you are for or against, this policy does not work. Start Beter Drugsbeleid calls for a realistic, open dialogue.

    Drug control is expensive

    The fight against drugs costs at least half the capacity of the police and the judiciary and three quarters of the large criminal investigations are focused on it. Even with a conservative estimate, the cost is 4.5 billion euros per year, not including the cost of crime to society. It is better to put that money into information and assistance for the individual who is not under control.

    Regulation makes money

    Legalization not only saves enforcement costs, it also generates income. Drugs can be taxed: estimates range from EUR 260 million to EUR 1.600 million. Part of this goes to quality control and education, the rest to schools, hospitals, cultural institutions… you name it!

    Medical innovation is being held back

    The current drug policy is holding back medical innovation. Psychoactive substances are increasingly used as part of therapy, with success. A drug prohibition would stop this. At the same time, a ban does not help to prevent the production of undesirable substances. The number of new substances is inexhaustible, so there is always a loophole to be found. RIVM warn

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  2. Shipping to Romania

    Shipping to Romania

    As you might have noticed, shipping to Romania isn’t a joke. Due to high rates of seizures going on in Romania, we decided to take down the UPS tracked option for the time being.

    We now ship to Romania with PostNL tracked shipping as an alternative. We are looking for a long-term – better – solution. We are exploring new package options and new carriers.

    Thank you for your understanding. Don’t forget to check out Chemical Planet EU for the reliable and pure research chemicals!

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  3. Paying with Bitcoin: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Paying with Bitcoin: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Welcome to the Blockchain revolution!

    Paying with Bitcoin is an easy, secure and private way for you to send us a payment, without the use of a bank or other financial intermediary.

    All Bitcoin payments with Chemical Planet EU are fast, secure and private. Using Bitcoin has many advantages over traditional payment methods. It is a free and decentralized currency with no third-party costs, completely anonymous, and accessible to everyone with an internet connection.

    We hope that this short guide will help make your buying experience with us easier. If you have any questions or require support, just send us a message and we’ll quickly get back to you.

    Step 1: Buy some Bitcoin!

    To make a payment to Chemical Planet EU using Bitcoin you will need to have a Bitcoin wallet that contains some of the currency. A Bitcoin wallet provides you with a user interface to easily manage your Bitcoins so you can buy, send and receive them. If you don’t have a Bitcoin wallet yet, here's a quick introduction to Bitcoin that will give you all the information you need.

    Step 2: Place your order

    Once you have Bitcoins in your wallet, navigate to the product you would like on our site and place your order. Once you’ve finished shopping, click the shopping cart icon on the top-right of the screen, and then click “Go to Checkout”.

    Step 3: Complete your shipping details

    On the next screen, please fill out the form carefully ensuring all the shipping details are correct. Then select your preferred method of shipping and click “Next”.

    Step 4: Select payment method

    On the next screen, you will have a choice of payment methods. Choose “Bitcoin” you will be able to continue by clicking “Place Order”.

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  4. Beat the Ban

    Beat the Ban

    You might have heard that the Dutch government wants to change the Opium Law. If this goes through, we will not be able to provide you with many of our beloved products. That is why Chemical Planet EU actively joined the vendors association BVND. We are going to fight to beat the ban.

    The proposed ban

    With the proposed amendment to the Opium Act, research chemicals and other legal substances will be brought within the scope of the Opium Act. This will be done as a precaution through a substance group prohibition, without it being clear which substances are covered. Also, without it being proved whether these substances are harmful to health or the society.

    The BVND believes that the substance group prohibition proposed by the government does not fit within the system and objectives of the Opium Act. The proposal does not contribute in any way to protecting public health.

    The substance group ban will ban hundreds of substances that have no psychoactive effect, are not harmful to health or even have a beneficial effect. This includes medicines, nutritional supplements and nutritional components.

    The alternative

    The BVND likes to consult with the government about an alternative to the substance groups ban. An alternative that does justice to the principles of the government and the legal objectives. The main reason why a substance groups ban does not work, is that a it does not remove the demand for these substances. A ban is not effective in preventing the use or misuse of substances, but it is expensive for society and harmful to users. Persistent demand creates an illegal market and reinforces organized crime, causing many problems.

    The BVND believes that regulating new psychoactive substances is better than banning them. In this way, requirements can be imposed on the production process, the origin, the composition

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  5. New Research Chemical Releases

    New Research Chemical Releases

    We are halfway through the year and 2020 is a year neither of us will forget. The most trending word of the year is corona. Due to the coronavirus we all cancelled our summer plans. That means we have plenty of time for new research experiments. For that reason, we added 4 new products to!


    Do you know what the next big chemical is? Mephedrene! The new research chemical Mephedrene (5-MMPA) is a legal analogue of Methiopropamine (MPA). However, researchers claim that the effects can be very similar to 4-FA and Mephedrone (4-MMC). Researchers have been looking for a replacement for 4-FA and Mephedrone (4-MMC) for quite some time. These very well-known compounds are no longer available, but Mephedrene will fill up the gap it left behind.

    It is time to get your lab parties ready for some rocket fuel!


    This brand-new chemical is also known as Alpha-PHIP. It is a synthetic stimulant that falls in the cathinone and pyrrolidine classes of chemicals. These classes also include compounds like MDPV, hexen and a-PHP.

    A-PHiP is chemically related to prolintane and acts as a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). This might sound complicated, but a short explanation will help you out. NDRIs are antidepressants that block the action of specific transporter proteins. Besides that, they increase the amount of active norepinephrine

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